Grace Thorpe
No Ten O Quah - Wind Woman

Honorary Board Member
America's Veterans

Grace is currently retired but continues to serve on many Boards and Projects. She is an Honorary Board of Director of America's Veterans; the Director of the National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans; the Director of Jim Thorpe Athlete of the Century Campaign; and serves as a Tribal District Court Judge for the Sac and Fox Nation, Stroud, OK.

Grace Lectures throughout the country on such subjects as "Our Homes Are Not Dumps - No Nuclear Waste on Indian Land" and "My Father, Jim Thorpe... World's Greatest Athlete".

Her past work includes: Legislative Aide to the U.S. Senate on Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C.; Conference Coordinator for the National Congress of American Indians, Washington, D.C.; Congressional Liaison for the U.S. House of Representatives - American Indian Policy Review Commission, Washington, D.C.; and the Director of Return Surplus Lands to Indians Project.

Grace served as a WAC Corporal in the U.S. Army during WWII in New Guinea, and the Philippines and served for 4 years as a Personnel Interviewer under General Douglas MacArthur's Hqs, Tokyo during the Occupation of Japan.

She holds a B.A. from the University of Tennessee; a Paralegal Degree from Antioch School of Law, Washington, D.C.; an Urban Fellow from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and completed her MBA Course Work at NSU, Tahlequah, OK.

Her published writings include "The Jim Thorpe Family History, Chronicles of Oklahoma", Oklahoma Historical Society, Spring-Summer issues 1981 and "Our Homes Are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear Free Zones", Fall 1996 University of New Mexico School of Law, Natural Resources Journal Vol. 36, No. 4.